My Shadows

One of my shadows is definitely chocolate! Chocolate is a shadow in my life because it's not good for you health! Chocolate helps me when I'm sad and happy.One reason why chocolate is my shadow is because it stops me from remaining healthy, and maintaining a healthy weight. Of course, no girl can live without chocolate! It's great to have once in a while!

Facebook is a shadow in my life because it causes me to waste my time. When I don't have homework, I am always on facebook. Facebook, in a way, can be very dangerous, and unfortunately can put your life in danger if you do not pay careful attention to the people that you add as friends. Facebook is a shadow in my life because it stops me from completing certain tasks!

Television has always and will always be a shadow in my life. Television also stops me from completing my goals. If I'm not doing homework or on facebook then I'm probably watching television. Television is also horrible to watch all the time, because it can show inappropriate images that is not good for a teenager girl, like me, to be watching. Unfortunately, most of the television shows do not make a positive impact on my life in anyway what so ever! Television has not necessarily made a positive impact in my life!
Oh, man, I am with you on the chocolate and Facebook - talk about empty calories and wasted time!!: ) I'm glad I'm not the only one.